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Copy plugin to project folder

Console Command

All Engine plugins are located in the Engine folder. To move all files to the Plugin folder in your project directory, open the console and enter:


The editor may freeze for a few seconds, which is normal.

Screenshot 2023-04-30 145944.png

After that, close your project and reopen it.

After reopening the editor, you should enable the display of the plugin folder and check if there is a folder named " Inventory System X" in it.

Screenshot 2023-04-30 150049.png

If it's there, everything went well and can go to the Next Page.

Screenshot 2023-04-30 150148.png

To copy the plugin files manually

Unreal Engine stores all plugins purchased from the Marketplace in the following location:

  • C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_[version]\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace on Windows

  • /Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_[version]/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace on macOS

To copy the plugin to your project folder, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the location mentioned above and copy the folder named "Inventory System X".
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your project, and if there is a folder named "Plugins" in it, paste the plugin there. If there is no such folder, create it first.

You can now proceed to the next step.