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Inventory System Documentation

The Inventory System consists of three key components and several additional components that work together to provide a complete inventory management solution. The three key components are:

Key components

  • Inventory Component - This is a C++ class that serves as the backbone of the Inventory System. It is responsible for managing the contents of the player's inventory and exposing its functionality to the game code. The Inventory Component is attached to the player character or the player controller. The Inventory Component stores information about the primary and additional inventory slots, where their sizes can be configured. Additional slots serve as temporary storage where items can be placed during inventory reorganization or to discard items. They can be disabled if desired.

  • Inventory HUD Component - This is a Blueprint class that is responsible for displaying the contents of the player's inventory on the screen. It works in conjunction with the Inventory Component and provides an intuitive way for the player to interact with their inventory. The Inventory HUD Component is highly customizable and can be extended to support new features.

  • Player Interaction Component - This is a Blueprint class that enables the player to interact with objects in the game world. It works by detecting when the player is in range of an object that has an Actor Interaction Component attached to it. Player Interaction Component includes client-server functions that ensure all interactions work correctly in multiplayer.

Additional components

In addition to the three key components, the Inventory System also includes several additional components that provide additional functionality. These include:

  • Storage Component - It is implemented in C++ and inherited in Blueprints for integration with interaction systems. The Storage Component is used to manage the storage of items in the game world, including determining how many slots are available and which items are currently stored in those slots.

    • The Storage Component can also be turned into a Global Storage. This means that all the chests with Global Storage will have shared slots and items. In other words, any item added to one chest with a Global Storage will be accessible from any other chest with the same component. This is useful for creating a shared inventory system across multiple locations.
  • Actor Interaction Component - This is a Blueprint class that can be added to any actor. Events are called upon interaction, to which you can add any logic, such as reactions of the item to the interaction. It is already added to World Item, Storage Component, and Scene Interaction Component. You can choose an additional interaction type, where an inventory opens up, and you must select the correct item for interaction.

  • Scene Interaction Component - Similar to the Actor Interaction Component, but has physical coordinates in the world, which allows for more precise placement of the interaction point. Unlike the Actor Interaction Component, you can add multiple Scene Interaction Components to a single actor.

  • Save And Load Component - This Blueprint class provides functions for saving and loading the contents of the inventory and the entire world, including Storage Components, Interaction Components, and World Items. It can be added anywhere, but it is recommended to add it to the GameMode.


The inventory system also includes several actors:

  • World Item - This is a Blueprint class used to display an item in the game world that can be picked up. It can be configured to allow the player to inspect the item before picking it up, or to only allow inspection without the ability to pick it up.
  • Global Storage is a C++ class that stores information about slots and items, which can be accessed by enabling the IsGlobalStorage checkbox in the Storage Component. You can choose the size of the storage. Only one Global Storage can be placed on the map.

Inventory Component

The Inventory Component is the core of the Inventory System and is responsible for managing the contents of the player's inventory. It provides a set of functions that can be used to add, remove, and query items in the inventory.

The following table lists some of the key functions provided by the Inventory Component:

Server AddItemAdds an item to the inventory
Server Remove Item By RefRemoves an item from the inventory
Find Item In InventoryFinds and returns the first instance of an item of a specific type in the inventory
Get Number Of ItemsReturns the number of items of a specific type in the inventory
Can Add Item CountReturns whether a certain amount of an item can be added to the inventory
Server Remove Items Of ClassRemoves items of a specific class from the inventory
Get All Items Of ClassFinds and returns all items of a specific class in the inventory
Get Selected Shortcut DataReturns information about the currently selected shortcut item
Server Set Selected Shortcut AmountSets the amount of the currently selected shortcut item
Server Add Selected Shortcut AmountAdds or decreases the number of the currently selected shortcut item.
Is Shortcut ItemChecks if a specified item is a shortcut item